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Basic Flight manuvers

Split "s" Training

bullet The split “s” can be used for diving on an unsuspecting target or maneuvering while loosing or gaining altitude to get out of the enemies flight path or disengaging from combat after sustaining damage.

Spilt “S” Training

  1. The purpose behind the split “S” is to gain speed or energy while losing altitude.

  2. To practice the split “s” start by rolling your plane up side down and then when inverted, look at the horizon and make sure your wings are level with the horizon.   Do not stay upside down for long it will cause your engine to cease up.  Essentially draining the oil from your oil pan to the heads.  Sill this should not happen to the 109’s as easily as it does.

  3. After you are up side down and level pull gently back on the stick and point your nose to the ground.

  4. Dive for a while to gain lots of speed watch your altitude cause when doing a split “s” you are trading altitude for speed or energy.

  5. Once you have enough speed gently pull back on the stick until level with the horizon you will now be heading in the opposite direction than you started in. Now climb back up to practice it again!

Combat Split ”S” and Tactics

  1. DIVING ON AN ENEMY takes practice and skill, first you need to spot the contact and confirm the target is maneuvering to where he is heading towards you at lower altitude.  As he passes out of your field of view flip your plane upside down looking up at your target passing directly underneath you.  Pull back on the stick lining up with your target and eventually leading your target.  Making small corrections as you make your way to his six once his plane fills your gun sight at about 100 meters fire a one second burst hitting him or not, get your altitude back up and try again :) Happy Hunting…

  2. TO GET OUT OF THE WAY of an enemies flight path when the enemy is diving on your six from a higher altitude.  Use the split “s” before he fires on you to get away.  You may want to pull back on the throttle cutting power, this will make for a tighter turn powering back up at end of the split “s”.  He will not be able you follow you easily, do to his greater speed and if he does decide to, one can only hope he will black out and crash.

  3. DISENGAGING FROM COMBAT: after an enemy plane makes a pass on you.  Open your map, find the closest friendly FB or city then split “s” and fly low and fast toward your friendly Base. Try to use your Friendly AI Anti Aircraft Guns to help clear your six if no friendly City in sight split “s” and hug the ground heading toward blue arrow on your map.

Organization Purpose

Wingman and Leader Five Easy Rules for Success

bullet Here are five easy tips that you and you wingman should follow for success. 
  1. Following Orders: Can save your life and the life of your wing leader. By following orders you will make your wing leaders job a lot easier. It will keep bandits off his six as he zooms in on a target. It helps to keep targets in sight and a cool hand on the stick.

  2. Leaders Lead: This means when a target is spotted, confirmed, and your leader makes a pass on him the wingman must never break formation! The wingman follows the leaders lead and takes shots at the target after the leader does. Making sure you do not to loose sight of your leader and following the leader through the attack. Remember the target in not you priority following your leader is. 

  3. Never Break Formation” It is bound to lead to the death your leader or you. You will at times be forced from formation. When this happens immediately notify your wingman and pick a location on the map and altitude and regroup. If one of you is engaged in combat the one who is engaged should notify the wingman of his position and altitude as soon as humanly possible.

  4. Be a Team: Work together you are a team, not in a competition. Your mission is to provide air cover for bomber groups or ground units.  Not to kill everything in sight! So when flying wing or lead do not try to make it into a competition. Wingmen must spend lots of time together before they become one hundred percent effective. By following these rules you make working together effective and a lot more fun.

  5. Every Five Seconds Check your Six: the smallest of the tips but maybe most important. Try to remember to check behind you every five seconds as well as your wingman's.

    Tips Provided By Butcher

The Rotte Formation:

bullet The Rotte is the most basic element of formation flying. It incorporates a flight leader and his wingman working together as one.  If you are the wingman you should always fly a Rotte with your leader.  This is so you can watch your leaders six and he can watch yours.

Leader Responsibilities:

  1. Communication with your Wingman and other Wing leaders.

  2. Scout for enemy air, and advise flight or flights of status to target or targets.

  3. Remember to factor your wingman in before making maneuvers and attacks.

Wingman Responsibilities:

  1. Communication with your wing leader: 

  2. Scout for enemy primarily behind you and your wing leader, you also can see twelve o'clock low in front of your wing leader in most cases and he a can not.

  3. Stick to you wing leader,  your wing leader is to engage the target.  Your job is to keep his six clear and him well informed during attacks.  It's ok to shot a target if you can but its not ok to break off to engage a target.

Echelon Right and Left Formations:

bullet These are some of the most  basic formations and well known their names.  The Echelon Right and Left are easy to practice but hard to master.
  1. Basic Echelon Right and Left formations:
bullet When in Echelon Right formation you form up on the right wing of your wing leader.  Keeping about fifteen to twenty plane lengths between you and your leader.  Line up his plane up in the lower left hand window of your cockpit.  He should be able see you in his four o’clock when he looks back. 
bullet When in Echelon Left formation you form up on the Left wing of your wing leader.  Keeping about fifteen to twenty plane lengths between you and your leader.  Line up his plane up in the lower right hand window of your cockpit.  He should be able see you in his eight o’clock when he looks back.

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