
Sunz tips!!
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Here are some settings for your keymapper that may help.

Throttle -  I set some keys as throttle settings to help create a speed that I can hit everytime.  The slider isn't exact.  I set Page Up as 100% throttle, Page Down for 80% throttle.  I use the 80% throttle for when I need to cool down.  I also set Home as 50% and End as 0%.  When a fighter is on your six and you can't shake em, cutting throttle can help you make your opponent overshoot.

Trims - I set the aileron, and elevator trim on my arrow keys.  This makes it easier to do without looking down.  I also set the Delete key as a 50% trim for rudder, elevator and aileron.  This allows you to level all the planes when in a fight.  Don't set it to 0, that will be an extreme trim to the left.

       -Also if you have a twist joystick and think it sucks, try deleting the rudder setting and going down to your rudder trim setting and mapping your twist there.  Trust me it helps!  It's the perfect amount of rudder adjustment.

Joystick - I map one button on the joystick to fire both guns.  This helps to have more punch in your shooting.  I also map teamspeak key to talk, and the . and 0 keys from the numpad to be able to zoom and look at controls more quickly.

Flaps - I add a 20% key and a 50% key for slowing down purposes.  It lowers your stall speed to have them down, but gets you slow quick.  Use them in dives and landings.

Brakes - set Z and X key to 50% brakes.  Set space bar as 100%.  The lower settings help when taking off and also when landing to avoid face planting on the runway.

Those are all the major ones I can think of.  I will add more when necessary.  ALso, anyone else that has advice please bring it up.  S!


As most of you know the 109e4 has a lot of history dating back to the Spanish Civil war before ww2.  It was the first of a long line of great 109 aircraft that the majority of the Luftwaffe aces flew.  It has a lof of history for me too dating back to my days as an Air Warrior pilot.  It's not the fastest or most maneuverable plane but in the right hands it can still be very deadly. 

Whether you use my suggestions or not, I recommend you find the most comfortable settings for your type of flying and based on the equipment.


Your best strategy in a 109 is of course to boom and zoom.  For those of you who don't know what that is....it's grabbing plenty of altitude and diving in on your opponent.  After taking a shot you want to climb straight back up and keep your E(E is energy as in speed or altitude).  The 109e4 loses E very quickly, so any turns or banks in your dive will bleed E.  Be very smart about your shots. 

       After takeoff set your throttle to about 1.0 on the gauge on the upper right....says "ata" on it.  Set your rpm's to continuous.  Climb to target and try and get at least 3k of altitude.  Anything lower bears risk of a coalt fight. 

       Once over your target area keep a sharp lookout for ea (enemy aircraft).  You need to learn to keep your head on a swivel.  I use my numpad but some prefer the view hat on the joystick.  Whichever works better for you.  Once you're sure it's clear at the altitude you're at you can work your way lower.  When you spot an enemy below you, don't rush into it.  Try and figure out which way he's going.  When I played basketball, my coach always used to tell us to beat your man to the spot.  Well, this applies to diving in on the enemy.  You need to watch where he's going not where he's at.  Aim ahead of him for the deflection shot.  Take your shot if you have one then immediatly climb back out.  If you start to blackout then gently pull out of the dive.  No need to force it out.  You will still get high enough.  If the ea follows u when you climb, it's called "rope a dope".  Watch him on your six, he will lose his E and be a sitting duck when you come back down again.  Patience is the key to success using this strategy.

       Ok now you're saying what do I do if I blow my altitude but the ea is in front of me and I need to stay with him.  First and most important, you need to be able to see him at all times.  Looking up in a turn is key to watching what your opponent is doing.  As he turns, turn with him and watch him by looking up (5 on numpad)  Try and adjust for the best shot on him.  Be patient, don't take shots that you can't make.  Wait for a good one.  If the ea decides to dive away from you, don't be greedy and follow him.  This is your best oppurtunity to reset what you already tried.  Pull up and re-grab some altitude.  Since you climbed first he can't come back up to get you, you now have a new rope-a-dope chance or, u just gained back the advantage for your BnZ. 

Leading the target and anticipating his moves in a BnZ takes practice.  Don't feel bad about crashing a few times into the back of him.  It happens to all of us.  If you can nail him before you hit him u will probably get a kill and that's a huge improvement over never getting any kills. 


       In turns I use a lot of opposite rudder.  This is when, for instance, you are turning left and u apply right rudder.  Not a lot, just enough to level the plane in a nice clean turn.  You will also turn sharper.  If you use the keymapping tips I lay out you will find this even easier. 

If an ea is diving in on your six while you're above 1k, your best bet is to do a split-s(a split-s is when you roll inverted and pull back on joystick doing an inverted loop downward. it's literally an S split in half, look at the letter and it will make sense.) and dive away from the shot or to wait until the last second and pull a hard turn away from him. Planes diving in fast cannot turn with you at that speed.   Another tactic is to turn around and face the attacker.  Try and get a headon as he passes you.  THen do the split-s to gain speed back.  You can avoid being BnZ'd yourself all day if you master the headon approach. 

If an ea is on your six the best method i use is slow vector rolls back and forth to make him overshoot.  A vector roll is when you pull up in a slight right turn, roll right and as u come inverted, use your left rudder to pull u hard the other way.  Since you can't outrun the enemy, you can try and make him outrun you.  Cut your throttle to 50%, then throw him some vector rolls.  Watch him closely on your six and anticipate where he will end up when he passes(this again takes practice)  When he passes you, go 100% throttle again and kill him.  A smart pilot won't fall for your attempts to make him overshoot.  Do your best and most importantly, DONT LET HIM ON YOUR SIX!

Using this simple tactics will get you started on becoming successful in the 109.  The most important thing is to try and always have a wingman.  You can improve your chances severly by having someone watching your six or another set of guns to hit the target.  If you have to fly by yourself, stay high, and stay patient.  There is plenty of stuff to kill, don't think you have to kill them all. 

Please feel free to reply with questions or for those pilots with some more imput, please feel free to add to it.  The more suggestions we get the more we can all become better pilots.  :)

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